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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Pagan

How to Rock On this Holiday Season

Updated: Mar 8, 2020

Stay grounded this holiday season using these three basic practices.

Reflect - on your own experiences/ feelings. Where are you on the either pro- or anti- holiday spectrum? And for what reasons? Review your core beliefs, re-balance your chakras. Become aware of any low frequency thoughts or feelings which may arise, such as deep sadness, anxiety, fear, lack of focus and understand where they come from. Do these thoughts/ feelings serve you? Come to accept past experiences which, which however large or small, shaped the person you are today. Breathe and release through it. Reflecting could be quite cleansing, in general and especially as a way to build yourselves up before social events. Take some time to become to comfortable with the idea of the holidays and remember the importance of loving yourself/ others through it.

Gratitude --> Attitude Gratitude is known to boost an individual’s sense of well-being - Understand that . The holidays also offer a great opportunity to reminisce about good times and practice healthy communication with family. Whether or not the whole extra nostalgic and weirdly chipper attitudes which emerge at this time really resonate with you or not, understand that you can chose how to respond to it. Enjoy what you have - things like hot coffee or tea, time off work, being in good company, safety, shelter, success and decide how relevant gratitude is in your life. Invite positive feelings or opportunities to have fun with others into your life and definitely make best of it.

Presence 3. - Personal advice to you… Definitely resist getting so wrapped up in the materialism or emotionality of the holidays that they pass without a deep experience of it. Take a moment to connect with where you are, wherever it is! As you go about your days, and amongst all situations, try to stay anchored intimately into your own essence, being, feeling, personality, spirit simultaneously. Your presence is truly the best things you can give or receive.

Love and bless.

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