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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Pagan

Can Fear, Hatred, and Anger Manifest into Physical Reality?

Updated: Mar 8, 2020

If we are not consciously working with our energy, where does it go?

As soul-interpreter and energy healer, Chris Dierkes, puts it, we live in an age where we do not take responsibility for our own energy. Why not? Perhaps a majority of the population does not see a need to regulate themselves in any way. Nobody really grows up learning what to do with intense emotional experience beyond the discourse of "good vs bad". Even new-age yogis are very attracted to the idea of "positive vibes only". And while "good energy" may be slightly more socially acceptable, this way of thinking creates a huge discrepancy between the our illusory and egoistic sense of self and the aggressive and/ or uncomfortable feelings we frequently experience or produce.

Theories of thermodynamics and entropy explain the likely consequence of destruction and disorder, resulting from a structure not having enough space to sort out the energy within it. Similarly, when we consume large amounts of energy and do not have healthy methods of organizing or releasing it, we become prone to physiological disorders like high blood pressure or inflammation. This same affect could manifest externally, and as a result of our excess energy, we may display reactive and unstable behaviors, perhaps saying hurtful things to others or even becoming physically violent. Generalizing this principle, isn't it likely that as a unified society, our raw arrogance, indifference, anger, hatred, exploitation and brutality could be stored up, seeping out and creating havoc upon our Earth?

Thus, we experience sequences of natural disasters - earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, etc. and usually all at once.

So how do we reconcile this energy within us as individuals and as a collective society? Here's a mindfulness/ metta meditation to begin:

First, let's meditate and sit with our energy exactly as it is. Many thoughts and feelings may come and go, in and out of you like a river. That's ok, just breathe. Notice heavier thoughts or sticky energy. No need to make judgments or act upon it in any way.

Now, become aware of any feelings of resistance, ie wanting to run away from thinking or feeling something or simply brushing it off. Instead, open your heart and try to understand. You may shift your posture a bit and take deep, consistent breaths. Invite Source to be with you, exactly as you are. Ask to replenish your life-force. Focus on your body's natural desire to maintain healthy circulation throughout your mind/ body/ chakras. Relax your body and let the energy go where it needs to.

Once you achieve a healthy flow, you can then offer this healing energy to others in need and to the Earth.

Other notes by the writer:

Healthy forms of releasing or circulating energy: physical exercise, dancing, singing, writing and reciting poetry, laying on the ground with your feet up against the wall, drinking water or hot ginger tea, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, diffusing essential oils or incense. Prayer/ Good Vibes requests: safety and well-being for people affected by natural disasters ie Thomas Fires, Hurricane in Puerto Rico, earthquakes in Mexico, etc

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